1. http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/publications.jsp
Federal Student Aid Publications
Several good publications are available in PDF format, informing students and parents on how to file the FAFSA, how to choose a college or career, and how to avoid student loan scams.
Of particular interest to those who have students in middle and junior high schools is a publication called My Future, My Way: How to Go, How to Pay—A Workbook for Students in Middle and Junior High Schools.
Also on this page is the publication, Closed School Guide for Students, which details what students should do if their school suddenly closes and they are not through with their program.
Another publication, Loan Forgiveness for Public Service Employees, can make some interesting reading.
2. http://www.kiplinger.com/features/archives/2009/01/avoid-student-aid-traps.html
Kiplinger's Personal Finance Magazine web site has a great article entitled, "11 Student-Aid Traps to Avoid," which would make for timely reading: 3.
3. http://www.kiplinger.com/magazine/archives/financialaid-form-gets-a-facelift.html
Another Kiplinger article, “Financial-Aid Form Gets a Facelift: The new FAFSA is shorter, more helpful and less confusing”:
4. http://www.fafsaonline.com/fafsa-guide-ebook.php
FAFSA Guide eBook – Line By Line FAFSA Help! If you look at the endorsements, this ebook comes highly recommended!
Choosing a Major May be More Important
Than Your College
According to Marc Scheer, author of No Sucker Left Behind: Avoiding the Great College Rip-Off, what major you choose may have more of an impact on your starting salary than the college you attend: “An interesting quirk of college pricing is that every ‘major’ (area of academic concentration) within a school usually costs the same price(even after financial aid is considered)—but different majors lead to different salaries . . . in fact, students’ choice of major has more of an impact on their salaries than where they go to college, and this has been supported in various research studies.”
I highly recommend Marc Scheer’s No Sucker Left Behind. The book has several strategies to maximize your value in searching for a college.
Hey Mike! With regard to public service student loan payback: students who work for the government or for a nonprofit for 10 years after graduation and stay current on their loan payments will, at the end of 10 years, have the remainder of qualifying loans forgiven. Any student interested in a public service career should check out American Humanics, www.humanics.org. They also offer scholarships, including a $5K stipend for nonprofit internships.
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