Friday, July 10, 2009 Scholarships--Yes, there is a Santa Claus, Virginia

On Monday, I posted how has five $1,000 scholarships to those who enter the website's Resolve to Evolve Essay competition. also offers "Fund Your Future" College Scholarships worth a $1,000 each. Some of the areas are art, business, computer science, cooking, education, English, engineering, just to name a few.

From the website: "The 'Fund Your Future' Area of Study College Scholarships are based on just a handful of criteria- citizenship, study major, and year of attendance. That's it!"

You have to attend undergraduate school in the coming year. However, if you create a profile at , then your eligibility will automatically be noted in your results.

For all the areas of study covered (several areas, such as computer science, has several subareas) and the complete information, you can click here:

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