Friday, November 13, 2009

Turkeys! Scholarships in November for Humans

I'm very sorry I haven't been keeping up my blogging, but I have been updating my ebook.

I have had several people test the ebook links to make sure they work, so look forward very soon to my ebook release.

Let's get started with some November scholarships.

1. eCornell Entrepreneur Video Contest

Cornell University's College of Engineering is offering a certificate in A Systems Approach to Product and Service Design

"1 winner will win a scholarship for the eCornell Systems Approach to Product and Service Design Certificate program, free of charge (a $3,500 dollar value). Two additional entrants will win 2 free courses each ($1,250 dollar value each)."

Deadline: November 30, 2009

Info here:

2. Many websites for high schools and colleges collect links and information about scholarships that might be of interest to their students.

Of course, these resources are available to us all. I will list a website or two and discuss briefly some of the scholarships I found on them.

There are even more scholarships on these websites that you should access and check out.

This is a list of current scholarships found on Oakland Technical High School's website.

Some I found on this website were

CH2M Hill Scholarship
Deadline: November 20, 2009
Prizes: First prize – $500.00; Second Prize –$300.00; Third Prize - $200.00

Open to seniors in high school interested in pursuing careers in engineering.

3. On the website above, I found out about the MetroPCS Community Scholars Program. I clicked on the link and discovered more information.

Deadline: November 25, 2009
From website: "Awards $2,500 scholarships to high school seniors who plan to continue education in college or university programs. In addition, MetroPCS and Kyocera will award a grand prize scholarship of $25,000 to one lucky finalist.

The MetroPCS Community Scholars Program was founded by MetroPCS to encourage high school students to become involved in volunteer activities that give back to their community, and to help young people pay for a college education."

These scholarships are only open to high school seniors in the MetroPCS areas: Atlanta, Dallas, Detroit, Jacksonville, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Louisiana, Miami, Orlando, Philadelphia, Sacremento, San Francisco, and Tampa.

4. Also, don't forget the following scholarships I mentioned before in my blog: Vanguard Scholarship Program, Vanguard Women in Information Technology Scholarship Program, and AXA Achievement Scholarship.

Link to blog entry:

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